Transforming learning through Stories and Music

Stories and music provide a visceral and emotional experience that stimulates the limbic system in the brain where memories are formed and learning is achieved. Expanding the use of learning through arts experiences can help more people improve their quality of life, have more compassion, and become more impactful in the world. 

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Nine Rules for a Good Life
from the book,
Having A Ball at Thirty:
How I Got Through Cancer
by Writing a Musical


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About Tom Willner

When Tom Willner was diagnosed with cancer, he began writing songs that ultimately became a full musical about his experience. Later, he began to use his story and musical in an innovative way to teach over 2,500 people, including healthcare workers and graduate students, about the patient experience and the lessons learned through a life-threatening illness. Through Stories and Music, his mission is to create powerful arts experiences to teach compassion, wisdom, and joy.